When Should You Let Your Hair Go Gray?-SliderPhoto


Most women who go from coloring their hair to wearing it gray have to make a choice during the difficult growing-out phase. They can cut their hair as short as possible to allow for minimal time for the gray to come in, or they can keep it long and look like a skunk, with an ever-widening white streak in the middle of their head. The third option is to spend a lot of time and money at the hair salon. To let longer hair go gray in the least-noticeable manner, it has to be lightened as much as possible with highlights and lowlights. With every trip to the salon, the stylist takes it closer to the color that is growing from your roots. But since most women’s hair only grows about 6 inches a year, women with long hair—like me—are going to have to bite the bullet and go for a shorter cut—probably chin length at the longest.