UPDATED November 16th, 2017
Women are taking over the world, quite literally. From the corridors of colleges, universities and law schools to the arenas of construction and mining, the number of women has increased exponentially and organically. Girls also typically outperform boys in school and research shows their brains may be better equipped to succeed academically.One in three businesses in California is owned by a woman, and you can bet many of them are Latinas. And in more good news, men are pitching in around the house more and are happier about it. The one area where there’s still need for improvement, is the wage gap, which has decreased, but persists.
Individually, many of these statistics compiled by Educational Leadership.com are not surprising, but collectively, they paint a portrait of female power and suggest a bright future for women in the U.S. and across the globe. In South Korea, where there has long been a strong preference for boys, for example, fewer women today are terminating pregnancies once the mother-to-be discovers she is having a girl. More recently, even the UK is expected to soon do away with the centuries-old law that allowed a younger male heir to ascend to the British throne over an older sister.
Women are not only wearing the pants, women rule!
Created by: Educational Leadership