10 Spanish Phrases for Professional Success-Photo5

10 Spanish Phrases for Professional Success-Photo5

UPDATED April 18th, 2018

We admit, we had some fun with our list of 17 Things Guys Do That Turn Women Off. So to be fair, and as promised, here is our take on some of the things women can do to make a guy head for the hills. I have talked to many men and heard their complaints, and I often agree with them. Some are right on, others just a bit too fussy. We all have our threshold of things we can tolerate and stuff we can’t stand. Here is our list of top turn-offs for men.


1. She’s clingy. While it’s natural for women to be more emotionally attached to their mates, some go a bit too far. Becoming neurotic and anxious, needing her man to constantly acknowledge his love…this is a real turn off. Men like to be the pursuers rather than the pursued, and smothering a guy is a sure-fire way to scare him away.