Medicine, Medical Tests, Healthcare Act



10 Reasons You Need Craniosacral Therapy

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Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, during research conducted at Michigan State University from 1975-1983. In his words: "CST is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological…

The Heel Deal: How to Get Rid of Blisters

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It's essential to know how to get rid of blisters, especially as we head into fall and begin reacquainting our feet with hard shoes. Generally, blisters on your feet are caused by friction and moisture. If you've been exfoliating and religiously…

Getting it Straight: 5 Ways to Fix Your Crooked Teeth

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UPDATED: August 1st, 2016 Remember when some celebs had crooked teeth that weren't evenly spaced, all the same size and blindingly white? There are still a few holdouts like Jewel and Madonna (whose gap comes and goes) but most people would…

How to Sweat Less: 10 Ways to Treat Excess Perspiration

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If you're one of those women who drip rather than glow, knowing how to sweat less could be a game-changer. Although everyone's on a mission to stay dry in hot, humid weather or under stressful situations, don't forget that a certain amount…

Jaws Patrol: How to Stop Teeth Grinding at Night

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Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as sleep bruxism, affects about 10% of adults and 15% of children according to the American Sleep Association. The first thing to know about bruxism is that it's a sleep disorder, not a dental issue. It…

Clarifying the Vaccinations Debate: The Hard Facts

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In the debate over childhood vaccinations it's easy to forget how recently parents were terrified at the prospect of their kids being exposed to—or worse, contracting—diseases like diphtheria, measles, polio and small pox. Edward Jenner…

Stress Less: 10 Reasons why Stress Management is Everything

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Most people would agree that stress is bad but, how bad is it? The fact is that there are different types of stress, stress may have different causes depending on your circumstances, and unmanaged or poorly managed stress can kill you. The…

Colon Cancer Awareness Month: Learn How to Prevent this Common Killer

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If you think colon cancer is a man’s disease, that only older people get it and that it cannot be prevented, you have fallen for three common myths related to the third most diagnosed cancer in the United States. Instead, you should know…

5 Tips to Indulge in Fattening Food & Still Stay Slim

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Obesity is now considered  a disease according to the AMA, and Americans, collectively, are now fatter than ever before. Obesity, which affects 78 million adults and 12 million children in the U.S., causes a host of other illnesses, including…