A Child's Education Begins at Home
Bilingual Tips, School
I didn’t mean to become Mommy Maestra. I sort of fell into it when my husband and I found ourselves in a bit of an educational dilemma.We’d recently moved to rural North Carolina from Texas after my husband accepted a new job. With two…
Digital Learning: Best Educational Apps for Kids
Resources, School
We’ve all seen it at the dinner table: the kid who simply does not want to part with the iPad, iPod, iPhone, iTouch, iEtc. As frustrating as it may be, let’s accept the fact that the onslaught of i-Accessories have become part of our family’s…
Latinos Bridging the Digital Divide
Honor Roll, School
Gone are the days when the only supplies students needed were pens, pencils and paper, when doing a research paper meant a trip to the stacks of the local library, and a visual presentation meant poster board and glue sticks.Today, school…
How Much Should You Trust Your Child's Teacher?
Resources, School
Karina Quezada knows what can happen when a parent places too much trust in their child’s teacher. In her native Mexico, a teacher berated Quezada’s eldest son for writing with his left hand. Later, in Houston, another teacher used her…