
Couponing Tips For Busy Moms
Dollars and Sense, Money
I am not ashamed of my mad coupling skills and I'm willing to share my coupling tips with you. The fact of the matter is that I have only a few simple principles that help me save 30 to 60 percent on my grocery bill every single time I shop…

Save $200 a Month on Fun Family Entertainment
Dollars and Sense, Money
Yes, you can save $200 a month on family entertainment. Here's how:
Billy Joel sang, “Honesty is such a lonely word.” And let’s be honest, as trendy as it is, extreme couponing is NOT for everyone. “Why,” you may ask? It’s…

Black Friday 2013 Popular Store Hours
Shopping, Style
Black Friday 2013 promises to have long store hours, to the dismay of some shoppers and the excitement of others. Following is a list of store hours of some popular shops. Most of them will open their doors on Thanksgiving day!

Black Friday 2013 Survival Guide
Shopping, Style
Black Friday 2013 is coming up and there is a lot of hype around it. Some stores such as Kmart are causing quite the stir, because of their decision to stay open for 41 hours straight. As much as shoppers love shopping, they also want to…

10 Tips for Extreme Couponing
Dollars and Sense, Money
Most of us have seen one of those extreme couponing reality shows on TV—the ones where the shoppers walk out paying pennies for 10 carts full of goods. Seems too good to be true, right? While I don’t know for certain whether the show…

10 Ways to Save $2K a Year on Groceries
Dollars and Sense, Money
Do you wish you could save on groceries, but aren’t sure where to begin cutting down?
In my last article, I mentioned how, according to the book American Wasteland, the average American wastes 25% of the food that they buy, totaling up…