Kid-related content



Parks & Recreation: 10 New Family Activities to Do in a Park

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The kids are home for the summer, it's only July and you're running out of fun family activities to keep them, and you, occupied. A visit to the park is a great way to get outside, enjoy nature and it can be a blast for the whole family. Not…

Clarifying the Vaccinations Debate: The Hard Facts

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In the debate over childhood vaccinations it's easy to forget how recently parents were terrified at the prospect of their kids being exposed to—or worse, contracting—diseases like diphtheria, measles, polio and small pox. Edward Jenner…
10 Kids’ Breakfast Cereals We’re Still Sweet On-MainPhoto

10 Kids’ Breakfast Cereals We’re Still Sweet On

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Cereals have always been a part of humankind’s diet. Porridge was a traditional food in much of Northern Europe and Russia back to antiquity, and remains a popular breakfast items in many parts of the world. Native Americans ate corn, or…

5 Fun Rainy Day Family Activities

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Rain, Rain, go away, come back another day! I often hear myself (and my kids!) singing the familiar tune when it’s raining outside and we find ourselves cooped up indoors! Lately, we’ve been working together to make the best of it. A dreary…

For Earth Day and Arbor Day: Grow a Garden with Your Kids

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Spring is the time of year when we can perfect our green thumbs and try our hand at growing a garden! An activity filled with exploration, fun, lots of discussion, and tons of learning. Kids love getting down and dirty while being involved…

Why Fairy Tales Are Good for Kids: Big Bad Wolf & All!

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UPDATED August 1st, 2016 A story! Tell me a story! I’m sure this request is part of the nightly bedtime ritual of children all over the world. Storytelling, the oral tradition of sharing legends and knowledge, dates back to the inception…

How to Host an A+ Easter Egg Hunt

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For many, Easter is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection; making spring a season of transformation, rebirth and renewal. For others, Easter is a fun holiday when families gather together and spend quality time among loved ones. Regardless…

Get Your Kids Excited About School After Spring Break

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UPDATED August 1st, 2016 Ah, spring break. Kids look forward to this week-long vacation almost as much as they do their winter or summer vacation. Parents may look forward to the end of spring break, so that everyone can go back to their…
Why We Must Teach Latino Traditions to Our Kids-MainPhoto

Tips to Teach Latino Traditions To Your Children

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The U.S. has always been known as the melting pot, for its ability to welcome individuals from every country on earth and have them come together as one nation. However, sometimes people take this idea in a different way and assume it means…