Work, Office



Pros and Cons of Graduate Degrees: Worth the Time, Energy & Money?

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In a tough economy many people are mulling over the pros and cons of graduate degrees — and they're definitely not all recent college grads. Although unemployment has fallen in the past few years, wages have remained stagnant which has many…

Write Right: How to Know What Color Ink is Appropriate to Use

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Who ever thinks about what color ink matters? When you were a kid you probably grabbed the most colorful pen every chance you got. You would doodle with multi-colored crayons and sparkly markers, and you would write the rainbow as often as…

To CC or BCC, That is the Question (What Does CC and BCC Mean anyway?)

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Have you ever stopped to think about what does CC and BCC mean when it comes to proper email etiquette? They actually have very old-school roots: Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy. Kids today have probably never even heard of a carbon copy!…

Inbox Email Inertia: How to Fall in Love with Email Again

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Do you get a knot in your stomach every time you check your inbox email? You're not alone. Email overload is almost unavoidable these days with so much rampant cc'ing, bcc'ing and overuse of the Reply All button. Then there are all of those…

Leader Lessons: Tips on How to Find a Mentor

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We could all use a little help in our perpetual quest to live our best lives. Whether you want to excel in your career, to be a better mother, to be a better cook, a stronger athlete or a smarter human, you can’t do it alone—so how to…

Rising Above: 9 Ways to Handle Dealing with Difficult People

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Relationships can be hard. Dealing with difficult people, or someone who might have a different opinion, different values, bad habits or a really bad attitude is never easy. If that clashing of personalities happens in your personal life,…

Adult Internship Opportunities: How to Radically Switch Your Professional Gears

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Adult internship opportunities, you ask? We know, it sounds nuts. Change is hard, no matter when it happens or how it occurs in your life. As HuffPost reports, according to Heidi Grant Halvorson, Ph.D., author of Nine Things Successful People…

How to Gain Respect: 8 Ways to Command More of it at Work

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The question of how to gain respect at work comes down to a few key factors: you need to have the right skills, you need to work hard and you need to have your accomplishments recognized. Skills might be something you are born with or something…

Giving YOU: 10 Interesting Volunteer Opportunities to Try this Year

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Do you have a few spare minutes of your day to give to a good cause? There are tons of volunteer opportunities and organizations out there that need you, your time and your unique approach to getting the job done. Time and again we see how…