Tips, opinions on bilingualism


How Babies Become Bilingual-MainPhoto

How a Baby’s Bilingual Brain Works Harder

More and more, researchers are concluding that being bilingual, and particularly, becoming bilingual as an infant, has huge benefits on brain development. And while there’s no short or simple explanation for how babies become bilingual,…
José-Luis Orozco, the Minstrel on a Mission-SliderPhoto

José-Luis Orozco, the Minstrel on a Mission

[Mamiverse's Bilingual Plus is an online channel devoted to bringing parents and educators the bilingual learning tools they need in the form of digital picture books, sing-alongs, and free curriculum-based family activities.] José-Luis…
Welcome to Bilingual Plus, Your Online Channel for Bilingual Tools!-SliderPhoto

Welcome to Bilingual Plus, Your Online Channel for Bilingual Tools!

[Mamiverse's Bilingual Plus is an online channel devoted to bringing parents and educators the bilingual learning tools they need in the form of digital picture books, sing-alongs, and free curriculum-based family activities.] Mamiverse…
Bilingual Plus Vid

The Greater Advantage of Bilingual Children

, ,—the premiere digital platform for Latina moms and families—launches Bilingual Plus,an online channel that places bilingual learning tools in the form of digital picture books, sing-alongs, free curriculum-based family activities,…
6 Reasons Why Spanish Is the Most Important 2nd Language to Learn-MainPhoto

6 Reasons Why Spanish is the Most Important Second Language to Learn

[Mamiverse's Bilingual Plus is an online channel devoted to bringing parents and educators the bilingual learning tools they need in the form of digital picture books, sing-alongs, and free curriculum-based family activities] Maybe…
Kids With Special Needs Speak Spanglish, Too!-MainPhoto

Kids With Special Needs Speak Spanglish, Too!

This morning at 6 a.m., as usual, my daughter Ayelén, who has Down syndrome, woke up reluctantly and started getting ready for school. She then asked me for some milk, using the same phrase she uses every morning: “Mamita, may I have…
Señor Pancho Had a Rancho-MainPhoto

Señor Pancho Had a Rancho

“Old MacDonald had a … rancho?” Well, in this book, his friend, Señor Pancho, does! Based on the beloved children’s song, this retelling with a Spanish twist has one page with the original English language verse: “Old MacDonald had…
The Benefits of Bilingualism-MainPhoto

The Benefits of Bilingualism

If you were raised in a bilingual home, you probably already realize the advantages of knowing more than one language.Learning a second language at a young age makes it easier to learn new words, increases brain flexibility, and is correlated…
The Benefits of Learning Spanish-MainPhoto

The Benefits of Learning Spanish

When I was 5 years old, I had a friend named Manuel Rodriguez. I was a shy kid and Manuel was naturally outgoing and friendly. He took me under his wing and helped me to adjust to the scary world of kindergarten. One thing that intrigued…