
Looking to sharpen your kid’s science skills? Try out apps that teach everything from handy anatomy to useful geography. Below are seven of my family’s favorite educational apps for iPad. But most of them are also available for iPhone. Happy learning!

1. Stack the States (FREE-.99¢) for ages 6 and up
Learning about the 50 states has never been as FUN. Kids earn random states for each level that they complete. Along the way they learn capitals, abbreviations, state nicknames, shapes, bordering states, and more. You can try it out for free by downloading the LITE version. But the complete game is well worth the .99¢!

science apps Shake the States2. Shake the States ($1.99) for ages 5 and up
Imagine a giant puzzle of the continental United States. Kids begin by “shaking” the iPad to make all the pieces fall and then put the U.S. back together state by state. One of the reasons my kids like this app is because the illustrations by Mernie Gallagher-Cole are colorful and engaging. This app complements the Stack the States app.

3. Kid’s World Maps (FREE) for ages 5 and up
Every child should have access to this basic app. Along with physical relief maps, it features six world maps that focus on political borders, the largest cities, and the major mountains, deserts, and rivers. Best used for exploring cultural and world studies and to supplement activities.

science apps Bone Scan BobANATOMY
4. Bone Scan Bob (.99¢) for ages 7 and up
My kids love learning about their bodies and what makes them work. This app teaches skeletal anatomy. Your kids will learn the names and locations of the bones in the body. Players must correctly identify 10 bones per round. Can you get 100% right? Kids must be able to read to use this app.

Read Related: 10 Fitness Apps to Keep You Virtually Fit

5. Body Organs for Kids (.99¢) for ages 5 and up
Created by a team of high school students, teachers, and parents in Texas, this app teaches fascinating facts about the organs in the body. From the heart to the tongue, your child will learn how their body works and what purpose each organ serves. Older kids can quietly read the information, while younger children can turn on the sound and listen.

science apps Magic School BusBIOLOGY
6. The Magic School Bus: Oceans (FREE-$7.99) for ages 5 and up
We really love these interactive storybooks from Scholastic. This particular app allows children to explore ocean life from the comfort of their own home (or car, or grocery store). Turn the pages and read along with the storyteller. Each page features special activities, videos, or photos to teach kids key concepts (i.e., the food chain), or fascinating facts about the subject (jellyfish, whelks, etc).

7. Nutty Newton-Picture Book (FREE)  for ages 5 and up
NowYouKnowAbout.com is a U.K.-based company that was created by a mother who noticed her children could name all the Disney characters, but didn’t have a clue who Isaac Newton or Marie Curie were. So she set out to create entertaining and educational videos. Nutty Newton is a free app that lets you preview the first 10 pages of this informative and engaging picture book. But be warned: One your kids listen to the first 10 pages they’ll be hooked!