Chu-Argentinean Sandwiches-Photo1

Chu-Argentinean Sandwiches-Photo1

UPDATED August 1st, 2016

Argentinean food usually conjures up images of large cuts of meat, grilled to perfection, then served with its world-famous chimichurri sauce. Or it may bring to mind a delectable assortment of empanadas with boldly spiced fillings, charred in a fiery hot oven. Most of us, however, won’t associate sándwiches de miga—slim tea sandwiches that appear downright dainty—with the fire and brimstone of Argentinean cuisine. And yet, ask any Argentine what they ate at their last family gathering or party, and chances are they had at least one of these tasty sandwiches. If you stroll into any good bakery in Buenos Aires, you will probably find a variety of these flat, crustless sandwiches at the counter.