13. Gun Control
A Fox News Latino op-ed by a Latino mom says that “A 2013 study by two NYU cardiologists published in the American Journal of Medicine found that of the 27 most developed nations (including Spain), more Americans own guns than citizens of any other country. Approximately 88 out of 100 Americans own guns, says the study, which sought to quantitatively debunk the notion that “guns make a nation safer.” No surprise that the U.S. has had the greatest incidence of gun deaths. These authors show a direct link between ownership and gun deaths…” We’re mothers. We’re women. We’re people. Gun control affects us.
14. Protecting Public Lands
A study of Latinos in Colorado and New Mexico found that 93% of Latino voters are in favor of the government protection of public land for recreational purposes as well as environmental preservation. The beautiful thing here is that this issue unites us across income, political affiliation and generations.