
16. Assign a Space
Designate a spot, whether in your toddler’s room or in shared space that serves to sit quietly or take some breaths. You can use pillows or special decorations, like a handmade sign, to mark the special space.

17. Use Props
While incense and candles are not appropriate for use around children, floor cushions, a simple bell or gong, or a good soundtrack can set the stage for a wonderful connection between your child, your self and the present moment.

18. Read All About It
Choose books that speak about nature and peaceful topics and make time to read them with your child.

19. Water Your Garden
The process of watching a seed sprout and grow into a plant is one that can teach your toddler a lot about patience, nature and nurturing. Sprouting a bean in a jar and then planting it into soil is a popular and easy project that you can do at home with your little one.

20. Pet Your Pet
Interacting with other living creatures, especially a family pet, is a good way to teach kids how to interact with others in a peaceable, calm, and gentle way. Taking care to use the right volume and force with an animal as well as explaining the unconditional love the animal feels for his caretakers is a giant step in raising aware, mindful kids.

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