

It’s important to stay calm in any discussion and to look for some common ground. After all, if it’s your partner you’re arguing with, you don’t want to say or do something you’ll later regret. And if you want to learn how to win an argument, keeping your cool is essential.

Put two people together and eventually they’ll argue about something. With couples, the need to come to a successful resolution—that is without yelling and name-calling—is key to keeping the relationship healthy. Whether you’re on the debate team, or just want to communicate better, we’ve put together some healthy tips on how to win an argument. That said, we can’t promise that you will actually win the argument.

1. Remain Calm
No yelling! Anybody can yell. If yelling made for good arguments, two-year olds would rule the world. The winner of an argument is the person with the most compelling facts, not the loudest voice.

Read Related: Why You Should Let Your Children Argue