

These days when you say green vegetables, everyone thinks of kale. Yes, we can all understand the recent kale craze—it’s easy to grow and it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Even though it can have a bitter taste, with a few inventive cooking techniques, we have turned kale into a delicious addition to the regular repertoire. But poor kale needs a break from the spotlight already so that less glamorous, but equally nutritious, greens like cabbage and Brussels sprouts get their deserved time on your plate.

Keep in mind that every vegetable has different vitamins, so it’s good to mix it up. Greens are crucial in avoiding disease and leafy greens help combat cardiovascular disease, and cruciferous vegetables are even thought to fight cancer. Eat your greens everyone, they’re good for you! Columnist Doug Larson hit it the nail on the head when he said: “Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.” With that in mind, here are 15 of the healthiest greens to keep your body in tip top shape.

1. Spinach
When Popeye insisted you eat your spinach he wasn’t just blowing hot air. Rich in vitamins A, C and folate, spinach is great to eat raw but it’s even better for you cooked. It’s also easy to prepare, just add it to any egg, pasta or rice dish and get your iron fill in a leafy flash.

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