

At some point or another, we’ve all tried to have a conversation with a loved one who has his or her face buried in a smartphone or tablet. Heck, we’ve even been the person who’s too focused on our tech devices to be a good listener. It’s pretty awful when it happens to you and we feel incredibly guilty when we realize later than we were the ones lost in our screens instead of focusing on whoever is addressing us directly. Albert Einstein foresaw some of the effects of technology on society, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

If you’re constantly checking your Facebook, Instagram, Four Square, Twitter, Tumblr, Snap Chat and now Ello, you’re probably missing out on some pretty awesome stuff going on around you. The latest fad in technology is not having any at all. Going on a tech fast, engaging in digital abstinence, could lead you to a better existence, even if it’s not long term. Given some of the potentially negative effects of technology on society, here are 15 things that may happen if you put yourself on a tech fast. Consider it, it could change your life.

1. Literature Like Never Before
If you’re not spending all your time reading Buzzfeed articles posted by your friends on Facebook, you might actually read a real book printed on paper! Do you remember what that even feels like? It’s pretty amazing and there’s more variety in printed literature than eBooks.

Read Related: Overstimulated: 10 Signs You Have One Too Many Tech Devices on Your Hands