

Black rice — also known as “forbidden rice” because it was reserved for royalty in ancient China — is getting easier to find in specialty markets lately and it looks beautifully striking on your plate. Even better, it’s one of the healthiest rice varieties. Like brown rice, it’s a whole grain but it’s got a slightly lower glycemic load and a bit more protein. The best part is its incredible amount of anthocyanins (the antioxidants in blueberries and other purple fruits and veggies). It takes longer to cook than brown rice and has a slightly sweet, nutty flavor.

Red rice is also loaded with anthcyanins and adds a gorgeous pop of color to your meal. It’s chewy with a deep, nutty taste.

Wehani® is a reddish-brown rice developed from Indian basmati seeds by Lundberg Family Farms. It’s nutritionally similar to brown rice and it has a wonderfully distinctive aroma.

Wild rice is actually grass seeds, not rice at all, but it’s still gluten-free. It’s incredibly nutritious, flavorful and makes a great addition to many dishes that call for long grain rice.

Also Enjoy: Protein Packed Spinach & Red Rice Pesto