

  1. Don’t overlook the small stuff.
    When making your budget you will likely consider the big-ticket items (i.e. the gift itself) but you might forget about the other fringe items that actually add up fast. Gift wrapping, shipping, greeting cards…they all cost money too, and more than you might think. Don’t forget about these hidden expenses when budgeting your money.
  1. Make a hard copy of your final budget.
    Keep track of what your budget was initially for this spending season, and what you actually spent. It will be really helpful for next year’s planning to see what your goals were, where you fell short (aka overspent) and where you could plan better in the future.
  1. Don’t forget about charity.
    Lastly, don’t forget to give back. We know you are working so hard to minimize spending so you can maximize your budget and avoid going into debt, but with the money you are able to save, try setting aside a small amount to give to charity. You can even make a charitable donation as a gift to a family member. Choose a cause that is near and dear to their heart and give back to a good cause as a way to show your love. It will make you feel good and it will help others at the same time. And at the end of the day, that’s what the holidays are all about.