How to Make a Jewelry Holder from Natural Elements
Fashion, Style
UPDATED January 12th, 2018
No matter how many jewelry holders I have, it seems I can never fit all of my jewelry on them. That’s not to say I have a lot of it, much less a lot of expensive gems—although that would be nice.…

Umbrella Chic: 10 Key Style Tips for Wet Weather Accessorizing
Fashion, Slider, Style
UPDATED November 1st, 2017
The signs are here: leaves starting to crunch beneath our footsteps, crisper temperatures, pumpkin lattes, light sweaters and fall accessories starting to show up in stores. That’s right—good old autumn is right…

Autumn’s Arsenal: 10 Fall Wardrobe Essentials Your Closet is Begging for
Fashion, Featured Stories, Style
UPDATED November 1st, 2017
Trends come and go, ladies. The seasons change and as quickly as we committed to tanks and flowy skirts, they’re banished to the back of the closet till next year. Now, first of all, setting aside your summer…

Wrap Yourself in Style: Affordable Fall Coats
Fashion, Style
UPDATED November 1st, 2017
Autumn is officially here, the days are getting shorter, and the temperature is dropping. While saying goodbye to summer is always bittersweet, jacket weather is a fashion bonanza. After three months in hibernation,…

Hot Fashions for After Summer Months
Fashion, Style
UPDATED November 1st, 2017
As much of the country swelters under record-breaking heat, thinking about cool fall, moonlit nights may be just what we all need. Jacket weather’s right around the corner and fall fashion trend reports have…

Sneaker Pimp: The Subtle Art of Chic and Comfy Shoes
Fashion, Featured Stories, Style
Do you find yourself wearing your sneakers a little too often lately since they are so in fashion? You are not alone. It seems every fashion blogger is pairing her Adidas Stan Smith’s with everything from jean skirts to dress slacks. But…

How to Pick a Swimsuit Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Fashion, Slider, Style
Have you ever considered the possibility that your obsession with pastel-colored ruffled bikinis or elegant one-piece black ones may be influenced by the stars? According to PopSugar’s Ameilia Madden, “Your zodiac sign can actually offer…

9 Things to Think About Before You Post Those Swimsuit Selfies
Fashion, Style
It’s almost summer, and beach season is upon us, which means lots of fun in the sun, and in the age of social media and over-exposure, lots of swimsuit selfies flooding your newsfeed. While a selfie may have been around for as long as photography…

Athleisure Stars: 7 Workout Clothes Brands That Make Exercise Chic
Fashion, Featured Stories, Style
If you like to work out, you like to be comfortable, but you also want to look stylish in your workout clothes, then there is really good news for you. Athleisure brands are making it chic to be fit, and this trend seems to be here to stay.…