Dare to be Aware: 8 Mindfulness Exercises to Flex During Your Day
Empowerment, Health, Slider
We dare you to feel and experience this very moment. Disconnect and go inside yourself. Mindfulness exercises such as these are basically the moment-to-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings and this revolutionary new…
Dwell Well: How to Make a Personal Sanctuary out of Small Space Living
Empowerment, Health, Home Decor, Slider
Our home is our palace, no matter what the size challenge. Sometimes, small places are all the more charming and interesting because they give you license for minimalist simplicity, vertical boldness and secret storage places. But first and…
In-House: 8 Work from Home Ideas to Elevate Productivity
Money, Slider, Work
You wake up, grab a cup of coffee and go to work…sounds pretty standard, right? What if going to work meant walking to your kitchen table and the office attire was your PJs and a case of bed-head. Now we're talking. Sure, working from home…
Digital Control: 5 Great Habits Apps to Help You Break the Bad Ones
Money, Slider, Technology
It's a new year, and it's time to embrace some new technology that can help make it your best year yet. Behold: habits apps. Sure, you're probably tossing around all kinds of resolutions—you have a long list of things you want to do better,…
Green Machine: 10 Reasons to Consider a Vegan Diet for a Stint
Health, Slider
There's no better time than Veganuary to consider test driving a vegan diet. That's right, you don't have to make a lifetime commitment to an entirely new lifestyle to reap the benefits of veganism. For a long-term lifestyle change, the Vegan…
Technically Ripped: 10 New Fitness Apps that Are Changing Bodies
Health, Slider
The people have spoken: fitness apps are here to stay and, as they continue to gain popularity, you've got more and more options for every interest and fitness level. As the Chicago Tribune recently reported: "The gym of the future is no gym…
Loving your Locks: Some of the Best Shampoo for Winter Hair Care
Beauty, Slider, Style
UPDATED August 1st, 2016
Colder temperatures affect more than your wardrobe and your mood; the chilly weather can do a number on your hair too. And while we don't miss summer humidity and the resulting frizz, winter static and overall dryness…
Fight Right – The Art of Conflict Resolution Without Losing Your Cool
Life, Love & Relationships, Slider
Fighting is part of every interpersonal human relationship. From sibling rivalry to teenage rebellion, even intra-marital disagreements, we are passionate creatures who often engage in battles of wills, beliefs and plans of action. Furthermore,…
Berry True: 10 Berry Lipstick Shades that Make Winter a Smooch
Beauty, Slider, Style
UPDATED August 1st, 2016
If you're looking for one way to amp up your look this winter, a deep berry lipstick is a fabulous way to make a major impact. Statement lips are back in a big way this season—from high-gloss metallic shades of…