
Father Nature: 10 Manly Skills Yours Better Know How to Do Outdoors

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If your man isn’t exactly the outdoorsy type, it’s OK. Some people are just more equipped to live in a city, or at least the comfort of a very well stocked and well-maintained home. But even if your partner is a bona fide city-guy, there…
Should You Lie for a Cheating Friend?-SliderPhoto

Moral Code: Would You Cover for a Lying Cheating Friend?

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Do you think it's okay to cover up for a lying cheating friend? Example: it’s Sunday morning, and you let your wife sleep in. You fix the kids a bowl of cereal and plunk them down in front of cartoons. As you wait for the coffee to brew,…
15 Reasons Not to Cheat on Your Wife-MainPhoto

15 Reasons Not to Cheat on Your Wife

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UPDATED August 1st, 2016 The spark in even the best of marriages can mellow, and even go out. Whether it’s stress over money and work, raising a kid or two or just the effects of time and familiarity, monogamy can get a little boring. So…

Dads & Their Diaper Disasters

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We men like to maintain a facade of unflappability. Nothing... not the daily commute, a backed-up toilet, or the new puppy eating the brand new sofa, can upset our personal apple cart. Well, guys, it's time to come clean (literally) because,…
Shakespeare's Dictionary

Why These Booksellers Think They Bought Shakespeare’s Dictionary

Without a doubt, William Shakespeare is the world's most famous, some might say, infamous, wordsmith in literary history. Regardless of what one thinks of his work, Shakespeare's plays have been a staple of high school lit classes for a reason,…
Mocha Dad´s Tips to Boost Your Daddy Brain-SliderPhoto

Mocha Dad´s Tips to Boost Your Daddy Brain

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As fathers, it’s important for us to keep our minds sharp. Having to deal with questions from our kids such as—Why is the sky blue? What is the meaning of life? or Who would win a fight between the Incredible Hulk and Superman (I pick…
50 Business Books that Can Help You Succeed at Anything-MainPhoto

50 Business Books that Can Help You Succeed at Anything

Whether you run your own business, or help some one else run their's, as an employee, at times there's a certain communication, management, or other professional skill on which you need to improve. Here are 50 of the best business books that…
Woman Gets Pregnant By Friend's Husband to Prove He's Cheating-MainPhoto

Woman Gets Pregnant By Friend's Husband to Prove He's Cheating

You want a real sign that your husband's cheating? A Nigerian woman couldn't convince her friend that her husband was cheating on her. So she slept with her friend's husband and got pregnant by him, to prove it. The 42-year-old woman states…

President Obama Introduces Television Premiere of "Cosmos"

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On Sunday, President Barack Obama introduced the Fox television broadcast of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. President Obama screened Cosmos at the White House Student Film Festival, where he spoke about how NASA had reported it discovered 700…