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Victory: Wendy's Removes Soda from Kid's Meals!

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As a parent, I’m going to face countless battles, big and small, while raising my sons. It comes with the territory of raising healthy kids. I understand that and parent as best I can. However, what gets my goat are the battles instigated…
Fertlity Foods What to Eat when You're Trying to Conceive-MainPhoto

The Fertility Diet: What to Eat when You're Trying to Conceive

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Psst…we're going to let you all in on a little secret that your middle school Sex-Ed teacher never wanted you to know: for a lot of people, getting pregnant is actually really difficult—and a lot of it can be helped with the right fertility…

Time Mining: How to Improve Your Time Management Skills

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Some people are born with impeccable time management skills but most of us are waging a seemingly unwinnable war with our hectic schedules at work and at home. Moms have it especially hard—juggling work and kids leaves precious little Me…

Switch it Up: 10 Cool Hobbies that Can Change Your Life

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 If you're coming down with a case of the winter blahs, it's time to find some cool hobbies that will change your outlook on life. Besides being fun—and more productive than just sitting in front of the TV—the benefits of hobbies have…
Go Ahead, Hit Snooze: 10 Health Benefits of Sleep-Health-MainPhoto

Go Ahead, Hit Snooze: 10 Health Benefits of Sleep

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Actually, it seems if you don’t snooze, you lose. There are many benefits of sleep, which means we should all probably snooze a whole lot more. While those who sleep in are often identified as being lazy, they are in fact wiser and more…

Soothe Operator: 12 Great Essential Oil Uses

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If the word "oils" makes you think of greasy food or your acne-prone, teenage skin, then it's time to look at oils in a totally different way. Essential Oils. There are so many awesome essential oil uses that We're not talking about French…

Wean the Screen: 8 Reasons to Stop Staring at Your Phone or iPad in Bed

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After a long day you've finally made it to the home stretch. You're in pajamas, you're in bed, you're about to fall asleep…but first you need to take one last look at your cell phone or iPad in bed. 3 hours later you're still checking emails…

Self as Guru: Tips on Practicing Your Yoga at Home

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Even though we know how awesome yoga is for us, and even though we manage to get to a yoga class, for some reason, many feel it’s more of a challenge to practice yoga at home. There is no denying the facts: yoga, as Huff Post reports, reduces…

Transformative Parenting: Tips on Raising Transgender Kids

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Parenting is never easy, nor is growing up. But all of this is far more difficult when a child struggles with gender identity--when a boy or girl identifies with (or even believes they are meant to be) the opposite sex. Transgender is an "umbrella…