Entries by Maria T. Cardona


Will the Michelle Obama – Mamiverse Chat Win the Latino Vote?

First Lady Michelle Obama help a historic live chat with Latina moms, which I moderated in July, received rave reviews and still has the Latino community buzzing.  The Latina moms who participated—Melanie Edwards, Yvette Marquez-Shrapnack, Monica Olivera, and Shirley Rodriguez—are Mamiverse contributors with a passion for a myriad of issues including healthy eating, education, health care, home […]


Maria Cardona Interviews AT&T’s Carmen Nava

Carmen Nava is a successful businesswoman and proud Latina mom. Her illustrious 27-year career has taken her to assignments in billing operations, marketing, external affairs, human resources, customer service and sales. On February 1, 2012, she was appointed to her current position as senior vice president—Customer Information Services for AT&T. Prior to her current assignment, […]