Entries by Mamiverse Team

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The Myth of the Low-Carb Diet Plan: 8 Reasons Carbohydrates Are Not Always Wrong

For the past decade or so, following a low-carb diet plan has been considered the no-fail way to lose pounds fast. Obsessively counting carbs and fat grams is practically a national pastime at this point—especially during the critical post-holiday/pre-bikini season months. The low-carb craze hit critical mass in the early 2000’s as The Atkins Diet […]


What the Heck is Celeriac Anyway? 8 Celeriac Recipes to Demystify this Power Veggie

Called the ugly duckling of the vegetable world, celeriac’s warty, troll-like exterior might turn off the most adventurous eater, but in winter it’s a healthy alternative to potatoes and other starches. Also known as celery root, knob celery, and turnip-rooted celery, this root veggie’s creamy white flesh resembles that of a turnip when peeled and […]


10 Songs Inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr.

It’s been 46 years since the April 4, 1968 murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. But his message of peace, love and equality has lived on through the decades, through those who have continued to carry the torch. But King’s message lives on in more creative forms, too. From songs written specifically for and about […]

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8 Ways to Think About Fitness this Year

Embarking on a fitness training regimen and losing weight are two of the most common New Year’s resolutions. According to Marist Poll, about 44% of Americans are planning to make resolutions this year and exercising more is the second most popular after weight loss. Although those resolutions are famous for falling by the wayside as […]


Souper Powers: Best Soup Recipes Inspired by Latin Flavors

Oh Baby, its cold outside—which means everyone is on the hunt for the best soup recipes. Winter’s cold weather gives us the perfect excuse to stay inside, cuddle by the fire and rely on comfort food for nourishment. If you have happy memories of Mom’s homemade hearty soup recipes, you’re not alone. Soup warms the […]