Womens Rights Are Human Rights 15 Important Facts About American Women in Politics Photo 3

  1. ALL US Women Weren’t Allowed to Vote Until 1965!

But even then, it wasn’t an equal opportunity for all women. It wasn’t until 1965 that  women who were not white in the United States could vote. Finally, regardless of race or ethnicity, African-American women were granted the right to vote. On August 6, 1965 The Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson, and it acknowledged voting as a basic human right, a right that that all women who were full citizens in the US deserved to have.

  1. Women Vote More Than Men Do

Women might be the deciding factor in the upcoming election. According to exit polls, “53 percent of voters in the 2012 elections were women, which means that women determined the outcome of the presidential election.” means that as we get closer to the upcoming presidential race, it’s more important than ever that women not only get educated on their options, but dedicate their efforts to actually casting their vote, and encouraging other women to do the same.