

If you are the kind of person who has merely to look at plants to make them bloom, this article is not for you. On May 30, we celebrate Water a Plant Day. Plants keep our air healthy, provide us beauty and, of course, food. Plants need good soil and nutrients and water to thrive. As more people try to reduce their carbon footprint, it’s important to fill our world with plants. It’s easy and nothing tastes better than vegetables from your own garden.

If it seems as though houseplants wilt when you enter the room, there’s hope. Here are 10 common (and easily fixable) ways you might be killing your plants.

1. Too Much or Too Little Watering
Most people water plants when they remember to. Plants however, need a watering schedule based on the lighting and humidity level in the room. If you aren’t sure how much or how little to water your plants—Google it!