

Growing up in a big city can be awesome. If you grew up in one you probably agree. And if you grew up in a small town, well, you probably agree too. In a big city you are surrounded by endless sources of entertainment, culture, stimulation and diversity. You are exposed to so much at such a young age. You are able to learn independence and street smarts before your braces come off. As one of our favorite comedians (and favorite moms) Amy Poehler puts it so perfectly, “My kids learn more on the walk from our house to the deli than they do driving around all day. They see so many different people, they ask so many questions…they’re so stimulated and energized.”

Yes, growing up in a big city has its perks. But there are also potential problems with growing up in an urban setting. City living can force kids to grow up too quickly as they try to navigate a world they aren’t prepared for. We’ve all seen Gossip Girl. And city living can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. Are we arguing that you should pack your bags and move to a small suburb immediately? Heck no, we wouldn’t give up our city life for all the playgrounds in Pleasantville. But there are certain life lessons and lessons on safety for kids that all children growing up in big cities must know. It’s not just for their own good; it’s for your peace of mind as well. Here are 15 tips to help you and your family as you navigate city life.

1. Park Safety
Never cut through the park at night. Sure, parks are a great place to spend some QT outdoors during the day, but on the flip side, they can be dangerous or dodgy at night, so best to stay away unless an adult is around to keep you safe. And PS: Even as adults, we avoid going anywhere near a park without a police escort. Better safe than sorry.

Read Related: Is the Grass Always Greener? How to Fall in Love with Your City