15 Simple Thing You Can Do to Protect Yourself from Sexual Assault Main PhotoTake Back the Night was created to educate the public on the perils of sexual assault and violence against women in all forms. Be it domestic violence or the fear of experiencing a sexual assault, each has most likely crossed the mind of every woman at some point. And given the stats, it’s a reasonable fear. It is estimated that in the US alone, a woman is battered or attacked every 15 seconds, and according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, there is another victim of sexual assault in the United States every two minutes. Thank goodness organizations like Take Back the Night do what they do!

Although it is a sad reality that we live in an increasingly violent society in which the fear of crime is ever-present, there are steps that women can take to prevent themselves from becoming a victim of sexual assault and domestic violence. Yes, the stats are frightening, but it doesn’t mean you should live in fear.

These 15 expert tips on how to fend off predators will help keep you safe.