

App-titude: The 10 Best Fitness Apps Right Now

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It's a new year and it's time to build a better you, starting with your health and some amazing fitness apps that can help you. Time for the good news and the bad news: the bad news is that it will take some work. Nothing worth having comes…

Home Grown: Fitness DVDs that Actually Work

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If you thought the rise of fitness apps and online workout videos meant death to the fitness DVD, think again. If you prefer the luxury of exercising in your living room to a TV-sized image of your favorite fitness guru, you've still got plenty…

Technically Ripped: 10 New Fitness Apps that Are Changing Bodies

The people have spoken: fitness apps are here to stay and, as they continue to gain popularity, you've got more and more options for every interest and fitness level. As the Chicago Tribune recently reported: "The gym of the future is no gym…

8 Ways to Think About Fitness this Year

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Embarking on a fitness training regimen and losing weight are two of the most common New Year's resolutions. According to Marist Poll, about 44% of Americans are planning to make resolutions this year and exercising more is the second most…

Muscle Hustle: 15 New Strength Training Workouts for Superwoman

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Many women don't even consider bodybuilding workouts when looking for ways to tone up and shed pounds. Cardio has always been the go-to for weight loss and most ladies worry that strength training will bulk them up and minimize their feminine…

Kicking Butt & Taking Names: 13 Bootcamp Workouts for the Fitness Purist

When it comes to fitness, bootcamp workouts are meant to help you torch calories and work up a sweat, though for some people the very words "boot" and "camp" induce panic. Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., owner of Mohr Results Adventure Boot…

Adequately Armed: 12 Arm Exercises for Women

Even if you wear longer sleeves, we still need arm exercises for women to keep our guns in shape. Just because the temperatures have dropped doesn't mean you should drop your workout routine. According to registered dietician and author, Cynthia…

Work it Circuit: 10 Awesome Circuit Training Workouts for the Working Mom

Why try out circuit training workouts for women? If you're a working mom then you get almost no time for yourself and you need to blow off steam, stat. Circuit training is perfect if you get easily bored in the fitness arena. What exactly…

Slim Gym: 10 Indoor Fitness Routines to Keep You Svelte Through the Holidays

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The problem: avoiding the Festive 15, aka holiday weight gain. The solution: include aerobic exercise in your winter fitness routine. Yes, we're aware that it's cold out and snacking on cookies while sipping wine on your couch and watching…