Tips on managing motherhood



Should Your Kids Have a Cell Phone?

A recent study by the American Academy of Pediatrics says that three-quarters of all American teens have cell phones. Research by the academy indicates that most of these kids are getting these phones in middle school and, increasingly, even…

Where the Kid Clutter Comes From & How to Get Rid of It

Having kids equates dealing with more clutter than usual. Some is unavoidable, some is completely superfluous and downright annoying! But don’t despair: here’s where the kid clutter comes from and how to get rid of it! TOO MANY…

From Soccer Mom to Evening Diva: Makeup Guide

Whether you are a stay-at-home mami or work full-time in an office, you can rely on simple makeup tips to go from soccer mom to evening diva in minutes. WORK WITH WHAT YOU’VE GOT If you have been running errands all day, picking up…

Convenient Foods for Moms

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Convenient Foods for Moms. Just like sneaking a few precious moments for sleep, pampering, or exercise—it can be challenging for new moms to find time to eat. From easy snacks to quick sandwiches, Amanda Edwards has mastered the art of…

Is Your Child Ready for Her First Sleepover?

Slumber party, sleepover, spending the night. Whatever you call it, the all-night play date with a friend (or group of friends) is sort of a rite of passage in American culture. It’s a chance for your growing child to exercise some nocturnal…

Why It’s Okay Not to be the Perfect Mom

I used to strive to be the perfect mom. I wanted my house to be spotless, and for my children to always be neatly dressed, without a trace of dirt on their faces. I wanted to welcome my husband home from work with a great, home-cooked dinner…

How to Look Good in Pictures: Tricks for Tired Moms

I love to take pictures of my kids. Don’t all moms? Looking at them later on and seeing the children grow and experience life is incredibly rewarding. But it’s also a great way to avoid being in front of the camera, especially if we hate…

My Mom Was My Hero & Role Model

My Mom was my biggest hero and role model: She will be a tough act to follow. Throughout my life, I’ve operated on gut feelings, omens and premonitions. But the day my mother died, I never got a sign or felt an intuition that she…

New Moms: An Outing With Baby

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Taking your baby out can be an overwhelming experience for new moms—but staying cooped up at home with an infant isn’t good for anyone. You’ve got to get out of the house! Luckily Amanda Edwards created this fantastic vid complete with…