

Why Meal Prepping is the Answer to All Your Problems

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If you think meal prepping is just one more chore that you don't want to add to your endless to-do list, think again. Taking the time to plan and prepare your meals ahead will save you money, improve your diet and make life much easier in…

Your Go-To Summer Fruit Arsenal

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As the weather heats up this summer you will start to crave different foods. No more comfort food to warm you up on a chilly day and no more hearty dishes to satisfy your culinary desires. Instead, warmer weather typically makes you long for…

Mo' Flow: 13 Foods that Improve Blood Flow

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Poor blood flow affects every part of your body — including your brain — leaving you feeling tired, sluggish and slow. Blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to keep you running like a well-oiled machine and if it has trouble moving…

Whey Cool: 7 Benefits of Whey Protein

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If you’re looking to pack a little more protein into your day, then we have good news: all you need is to incorporate a little whey protein into your daily diet and you’ll be set. Seriously, it’s that easy. No heaping plates of tofu…

What's All the Fuss About Baby Carrots?

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What's not to love about baby carrots? They're tasty, healthy, portable and adorable. Kids love them, they're great at parties; they're everything you're looking for in a man and a snack food. But are they bad for you? And are they really…

10 Berry Desserts Perfect for Spring Meals

Spring has officially sprung; you have adjusted your wardrobe and your attitude to match the cheerful spring weather...isn't it about time you adjust your cooking as well? After all, spring is all about fresh produce and the most delicious,…

Types of Rice : Red, Black, Brown, White — What's the Diff?

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Did you know that there are probably over 40,000 different types of rice? And you thought it was just a basic cooking staple! We don't need to delve that deeply into the intricacies of this popular gluten-free grain so we'll just cover the…

11 Healthiest Foods that are Actually Great for You but Get a Bad Rap

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Isn’t it annoying that you always seem to hear people when they have something negative to say, but you rarely remember the compliments or pay attention to the good stuff? Well, that phenomenon exists when it comes to your diet too—you’ll…

How to Make a Healthy Mofongo

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If you’re not sure what mofongo is, let us enlighten you. It’s more than just a fun word to say (though it is really fun to say). It’s actually a delicious dish that is common in Puerto Rican cuisine and use plantains as a main ingredient.…