Keeping fit, exercise ad healthy lifestyle


Gym Workout for Curve-Loving Women-MainPhoto

Gym Workout for Curve-Loving Women

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The key to looking like JLo and Sofia is, believe it or not, weight lifting (not just good genes). Pumping iron doesn't mean you'll look like the female version of the hulk. Here's how you can keep your lady lumps perfect and still be lean. I've…
Exercising en familia to reduce heart disease risks-MainPhoto

Exercising as a Family to Reduce Heart Disease Risks

We all know the importance of living a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and nutritious foods to reduce heart disease. As moms, we have every intention of raising our children in a healthy, nurturing environment. However, a busy schedule…
Bike Camps for Kids with Special Needs

Bike Camps for Kids with Special Needs

Remember the exhilaration of learning to ride a bicycle without the training wheels? The feeling of freedom, independence and the big boost of confidence? It’s a rite of passage for many children, one that the founders of Lose the Training…

After 14 Years of Body Weight Workouts, Here Are my Accomplishments

I have been working out 3 to 6 days a week (mainly 6 days since '03) consistently for 14 years performing a wide variety of body weight workouts. Here are my accomplishments. The spreadsheet on which I calculated this underestimates…
6 Move Booty Butt Lift Workout-MainPhoto

6 Move Booty Butt Lift Workout

It’s that time of year again, when we try to undo the damage caused by a festive holiday season of eating and drinking. For many of us, that means starting from behind—working on our derrieres, that is! The following workout is designed…
This is Why You Need a Personal Trainer!-SliderPhoto

This is Why You Need a Personal Trainer!

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Okay. You’ve vowed to stick to your New Year’s resolution to get back in shape. For many, that means going back to the gym after months or even years and for others, setting foot in the gym for the first time--ever. Whichever category…
Dieting During the Holidays, How to Do it!-SliderPhoto

Dieting During the Holidays, How to Do It!

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With Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner, food is everywhere—lots and lots of high-calorie, high fat, delicious food. But this time of year doesn’t have to lead to a dieting disaster, says one expert. Steve Siebold…
How Dancing With The Stars Can Help You Shape Up-SliderPhoto

6 Ways Dancing With the Stars Can Inspire You to Shape Up

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I remember the first time I saw Dancing With the Stars. It was the first episode of Season 3, and future mirror ball champion Emmit Smith danced with a look of absolute joy on his face, mostly because he had never danced before, and he knew…

10 Easy and Effective Ways For New Moms to Improve Circulation

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With cool weather on its way, it’s important to consider the role that circulation plays in staying healthy during the winter months. Pregnancy, followed by you being on your feet all day with your baby can contribute to painful varicose…