10 Quotes by Mahatma Ghandi on Happiness-MainPhoto

10 Quotes by Mahatma Ghandi on Happiness-MainPhoto

UPDATED June 17th, 2017

Thinkers and philosophers such as Mahatma Gandhi have said much of value about life and happiness. Many of us wonder often what happiness is and how we can attain it. If we were taught as children that happiness is a state of mind, perhaps we´d be more adept at enjoying life later on. Here are some of Gandhi´s best quotes, explained for kids. Share them with your young ones, in the hopes that they will learn to appreciate his valuable words.


  1. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
    If you think you should do your homework, tell your teacher you will do it and then actually do it and turn it in, you will feel good about yourself. When your thoughts, words and actions match, you are on the right track.