How I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions-SliderPhoto

How I Keep My New Year’s Resolutions-MainPhoto
Before I write my resolutions or goals for the New Year, I always make a list of things I’m proud to have accomplished in the past 12 months. This helps me feel good about myself as I start out assertively and purposefully planning for the next year, and it’s far more productive than beating myself over what I haven’t achieved.

Using this method, I’ve actually become quite proficient over the years at accomplishing my goals. Instead of making the same resolutions year after year or setting goals that may seem unrealistic, I shifted my focus. I set out to develop certain traits that I knew would help me achieve anything I set my heart on. And, with a lot of time and effort, I’ve done it. Here are some of the traits I’ve learned to cultivate in myself:

Read Related: Why We SHOULD Make New Year’s Resolutions!

• Patience: Whether you want to lose weight, get in shape, or publish a book, know that it’s a long-term endeavor. Don’t expect to see results immediately. Patience is not easy to come by, but it can be developed. Believe, me, I know!

• Perseverance: Be ready to work hard in the face of rejection, adversity and even failure. For years I’ve worked on books that I wasn’t sure would be published (most were, some weren’t). I’ve worked towards elusive goals I eventually met. That’s when people say, “Oh, how lucky you are!” No, not lucky; just determined.

• Resilience: Prepare to pick yourself up after a rough patch, a relapse, or any negative outcome. If you develop resilience, you will succeed. Don’t give up! I know despair; I know what it’s like to be penniless. But I also know how it feels to overcome the hardest challenges. And that is fuel that will keep you moving forward and doing your best.

• Adaptability: Change is a part of life. Both personally and professionally I’ve had to reinvent myself several times. Divorce, unemployment, illness, a recession—all have had an impact on my life—and the lives of countless others. The ability to embrace change gives you an edge.

• Creativity: Become a creative problem solver. Even if the solution sounds outlandish, give it a try. The impossible suddenly becomes possible.

• Joy: Rather than dwelling on the negative, develop a joyful attitude that embraces the positive in life, and you will thrive. Of course there will be illness, death, perhaps even divorce or unemployment…but even these are easier to cope with if you develop joie de vivre.

• Productivity: Go the extra mile, both for yourself and for others. Work more than you are paid for, train a tiny bit more, do it a little better, all the time. Eventually this will just become your normal way of doing things.

• Teamwork: No one succeeds alone. Enlist the help of a team. Don’t have one? Build one! Together you will be able to accomplish so much more than you can do alone.

The last asset is particularly important in work. As former Editor-in-Chief of Mamiverse, one of my goals for 2014 was to continue striving to make it the go-to site for moms, daughters, sisters, and their families. And I could not do this without the help of a wonderful team that works behind the scenes. From production to photo editing, planning and writing, to the technical aspects of running the site, I’m thankful for every team member’s contribution.

I hope you will continue to accompany us as we grow and achieve together, and prove that no goal or dream is out of reach.

Happy New Year!