

School culture has become increasingly competitive over recent years. Everyone wants to make sure that his or her child comes out on top, and the kids are invested too. We, of course, want our kids to live up to their full potential but we’re also feeling the pressure of standardized test scores and overworked teachers.

Knowing this, we compiled a list of 15 tips on how to motivate your child so that they will rock it this school year. Now, as you’re moving through this list and attempting to communicate with your kiddo, we do have one piece of extra advice coming at you from The Parent Institute’s, Dr. John H. Wherry. He says, “Use car time to talk with your children. There’s no phone or television to interfere. No one can get up and leave. And kids know they really have your ear.”

1. Make it Count
Make the time you spend with your kids count. Put away your phone and turn off the television. Spend quality time with your kids reading, playing, exploring the museum or just talking to one another. Every minute you spend with your attention entirely devoted to your child, regardless of how old they are, will help them do better in life, not just in school.

Read Related: 8 Ways to Ease Your Kids Into a Back-to-School Mindset