

Halloween is around the corner and with it comes trick or treating. Now, we’re not bad-mouthing this annual funfest for the little ones but, let’s face it, Halloween health is a bit of an oxymoron. After trick-or-treating, most kids will have more candy than they know what to do with and what happens then? They want to eat it all, that’s what! As parents, we want to keep our children healthy and safe, and needless to say, that includes what they eat. And aside from the temporary euphoria, nothing good comes from consuming that much sugar.

The key to Halloween health and controlling the amount of candy your kids eat on this ghoulish holiday lies in the art of negotiation and establishing limits. Negotiating with your kids can be a battle of wills but it’s just part of the whole parenting package. We’re taking that job seriously and you should too! Here are 10 ways to make your kids do a little work for their treats and pace their sugar intake.

1.Tackle the to-do list
Set the expectation that your kids have to complete their chores before they can eat their candy. The idea here is to get stuff done before the fun!

Read Related: What To Do With All That Halloween Candy