

The corn can’t touch the meat; the sandwich must be cut on an angle or it’s scorned and forget about any meal that doesn’t include their glass for milk. If this sounds familiar, you probably have a picky eater in the household. They like what they like and nothing else; they would live on chicken nuggets and yogurt if you let them. Trying something new…not gonna happen.

While it’s easier to be like Marie Antoinette and say “Let them eat cake,” we know our kids need a healthy nutrition filled diet to grow, learn and thrive. You can force the kids to sit at the table till their plate is clean—who knew a six-year old could sit still for so long and look so sad—or you can be smart and try these kid friendly meals. They’re high in protein, rich with veggies and fresh fruit and great power boosters for active kids. Incidentally, the “older kids” in your household will eat them up, too.


1. Steak Tostadas
These are some of the best meals for kids out there. If your kids don’t like what’s on the menu, invite them into the kitchen to make what they like. Start with this easy to make Tostados recipe. Packed with protein, it’s a meal your kids can put on the table for the whole family to enjoy. Food they helped prepare is bound to taste better.

Read Related: Cooking with Kids: Easy Steps To Raising A Li’l Chef


2. Brown Bag It
If you suspect, or have proof, that the lunch you packed goes to waste, cheer up. We’ve got a few lunch ideas with a Latino flair that won’t end up in the trash bin. Think spicy soup in a small thermos, or avocado rich chicken wraps. Add fresh fruit with a nut spread dip and they’ll forget about candy.


3. Oatmeal Treats
If your kids think of oatmeal as colorless glop in a bowl, surprise them with homemade oatmeal breakfast bars. The wholegrain protein of oatmeal when mixed with nuts, dried fruit and a bit of honey becomes a nutritious bar that looks suspiciously like a candy bar minus the wrapper. For kids running late in the morning, they’re the perfect bus ride food. They make healthy post school snacks, too.


4. Perfect Pancakes
For lazier mornings, temp kids with this terrific pancake recipe. Fluffy pancakes, fresh strawberries, bananas, or blueberries and a bit of chocolate sounds more like dessert than breakfast. Adding a bit of cocoa to the pancake batter takes a simple breakfast to a level of decadence that insures no one will be sleeping in. Top with the fruit of your choice and enjoy.


5. Power Lunch
When it comes to meals for kids, consider that they need a nutritious breakfast to power up those active brains. They need a power lunch that will carry them into the afternoon without suffering a mid-day slump. Pack lunches like vegetable burritos with black beans or sunflower butter and banana sandwiches. And don’t forget milk to keep those little bones strong.


6. Peanut Power
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were an American staple long before we were born and likely to live long after we’re all memories. While peanut butter is high in protein, it’s also high in sugar and added salt and fat. Try making sandwiches with alternative spreads like almond butter or sunflower butter. Use a low fat, low sodium spread that doesn’t skip on flavor. Substitute fresh fruit for high sugar jellies. If your kids can taste the difference, we’ll be surprised.