

14. It’s a weekend activity you can plan (or not plan).
Sometimes you just need to get out of the house. Your kids are on their third hour of cartoons and you just finished your third cup of coffee and you’re ready for action. Check out recitals at local dance studios, see if any studios offer walk-in classes or free play for kids, and look for other limited engagement performances in your area. Sometimes you might benefit from planning ahead (think better seats) but usually you can attend at the last-minute.

15. You just might enjoy yourself.
Even if you (or your teenagers) go to the performance begrudgingly and with major attitude, you all might be surprised by how much you enjoy the show. Dance can move people to tears, make you laugh, impress you and inspire you. It’s an opportunity to open your mind and your heart to something new and you never know, you might just discover a new interest and passion that you never knew you had.