
One Woman’s Journey as a Surrogate Mom

But I cope. I have to cope because my purpose still is to give Analiese all my love. I cope because I still haven’t given up hope of having a successful pregnancy again, because my husband still wants a second child—a boy, despite the fact that Analiese is probably the most spoiled Daddy’s girl ever. I cope because despite the fact that Latinas of my mother’s generation consider the topic taboo, I do not. I cope because my story brings hope, and I hope that my own selfish thoughts about surrogacy don’t prevent other women from going that route. I hope that more and more Latino families consider adoption, because so many children still need homes. I hope that my openness inspires others to come forward, accept their situations, and heal. I hope to share this story with my daughter one day, and I hope that I make a difference.