20 Great Quotes to Say #SeeYaSummer!-SliderPhoto

20 Great Quotes to Say #SeeYaSummer!-MainPhoto

Editor’s Note: The following article is one in a series of pieces designed to help busy moms do it all—from taking care of the kids to taking care of themselves and their households, brought to you by Colgate.

Summer is over. Are those the happiest, or saddest words in the English language? Regardless of whether you’re happy to see summer go or sad to see it end, we hope you had the chance to build some priceless memories with your kids, sweetheart, friends and family during these long balmy months. To help kick-start Mamiverse’s #SeeYaSummer Twitter Party on August 29, here are 20 thoughts on summer from some of history’s great writers and thinkers, as well as some contemporary figures too. Start tweeting your favorites, and be sure to join us at the Twitter Party. Until then, so long, farewell, and adios to Summer 2013!

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