
Return of the Library Dragon

By Carmen Agra Deedy • Illustrated by Michael P. White
Peachtree • 2012 • 32 pages
ISBN: 978-1-56145-621-5
Hardcover ($16.95)
Ages 4-8

Are e-books the way of the future? Will cyber libraries replace the brick and mortar ones?  This timely sequel to the The Library Dragon (Peachtree, 1994) invites readers to ponder what books mean to them in the digital era. Readers get a jumpstart as they browse through the quotes about books and reading from famous and historical figures that cover every inch of the inside covers of this brightly illustrated tale. The quotes are the bait for a story that will hook all who come to it.

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Time has come for the Sunrise Elementary librarian to retire.  Long gone are the days when kids stayed away from the school library. (In the original tale, children were afraid of Miss Lotta Scales; back then, her fierce defense of books from careless little hands turned her into a scaly, fire-breathing, clothes-incinerating dragon.) To everyone’s amazement, the mellow, kid-friendly Miss Lotty in this second book begins to turn back into her old dragon self again when a cyber library threatens her beloved profession. What will libraries look like for the next generation of readers?  This stunning book will engage children and help them to articulate that inevitable question.

—Reviewed by Professor Gisela Norat, Agnes Scott College