Entries by Eileen Carter Campos

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For Thanksgiving: 5 Great Kids’ Books on Kindness & Gratitude

.UPDATED November 14th, 2017 Thanksgiving books for kids are great because children often need to be reminded of the importance of kindness and gratitude, especially as the holidays approach and their focus is on getting instead of giving. Fortunately, Thanksgiving provides us with an opportunity to emphasize giving thanks and acts of gratitude. With an […]

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5 Fun Rainy Day Family Activities

Rain, Rain, go away, come back another day! I often hear myself (and my kids!) singing the familiar tune when it’s raining outside and we find ourselves cooped up indoors! Lately, we’ve been working together to make the best of it. A dreary day can make you feel tired and down but it doesn’t have […]


Help Your Kids Become Better Readers & Writers

Faced with the rigor of the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the pressure our kids are subjected to, we have to step-up our game as parents and help our kids do well in school. We must start early-on to ensure they learn their letters, letter sounds, and basic writing skills. From home, we […]