Entries by Alisa Valdes


Home is Where You “Belong”

Today, I want to explain how and why it is that I, once strictly an urban girl with a love of city life, have decided that small towns are better places to raise kids—or at least my kid. Even though you are all probably familiar with the fact that I am involved with a Cowboy […]


Mentoring Seeds Sprout

By the time you read this, I will be back from Kansas City, where I will have given the keynote address at MANA de Kansas City’s 30th anniversary celebration. MANA is a national organization for Latinas, based in Washington, D.C., but with chapters across the nation. One of the many good elements of MANA is […]


A Single Mom’s Guide to Dealing With Bullies

Few things strike fear into the heart of a single mother more than learning that her child is being bullied. When that child is a boy, it can be even more frightening because, let’s face it, boyworld is a very different place; one we just don’t know how to navigate. Recently, my son Alexander, 10, was […]


A Guide for Single Moms Raising Boys

I’m a single mom to a ten-year-old boy. My son’s father is one of those “fun” dads that kids see mostly on the weekends- you know, the kind who is really great at playing video games and teaching the kid to beat-box, but not so great at, oh, I don’t know – stuff like paying […]