

We know we’re not alone when we say that the world seems utterly insane these days. There are the fighting in Iraq, Syria, Israel and the Ukraine, the horror of ISIS and the list goes on. In such inexplicably turbulent times—like everyone else—we’re looking for a little peace wherever we can get it. September 21 is the International Day of Peace, so what better way to celebrate than by listening to some of the best peace songs.

Even Plato knew that music was a tool for transcendence when he said, “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” So, take a deep breath and soak up some peaceful positivity with 20 of the best peace songs to play right now. Breathe deep, close your eyes and give peace a chance…

1. Give Peace a Chance (1969) • John Lennon
We think everyone would agree that this is one of the best peace songs in existence. A classic from the man who fought against the military draft and our country’s involvement in war for most of his adult life.

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