

Pizza is what we like to call Perfect Food. It’s quick and easy, tastes great and most Americans eat it at least once a month. Since 1984, October has been designated National Pizza Month. In celebration of our favorite Italian pie, grab a slice for lunch, serve it at halftime, or treat the family to a delicious flavorful healthy homemade pizza on Friday night.

In light of America’s obesity epidemic, we suggest, instead of grease-laden take-out, that you make a far healthier pizza in your own kitchen. After all, you are what you eat. Or as Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” With these healthy homemade pizza ideas, you won’t have to give up great taste for lower calories. You can even fool everyone by serving the pizza in a take-out box.

1. Fresh Ingredients
Freshness is a must for the best healthy pizza. Steer clear of preservatives, added salts and added calories. Use seasonal veggies to get the best taste and invest in some fresh herbs to make the flavors pop.

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